This page contains all the information related to the legal terms and conditions that define the relationships between the users and the responsible party of the website All users must read the content of this page and agree with it before they can continue browsing the rest of the website.


Full Name BBQ Revolution S.L., hereinafter referred to as Barbecue World.

CIF: B44799021.

Address: C/ Alonso Cano, 15 – 29680 Estepona (Málaga).


Activity: E-commerce.

Barbecue World, as the controller of this website, undertakes the commitment to process user information with full guarantees and comply with the national and European requirements that regulate the collection and use of personal data, thus complying with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPD GDD) and with the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, known as the Development Regulation of the LOPD.

It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), as well as with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSI or LSSICE).

Barbecue World Barbecue World reserves the right to modify, at any time, without prior notice and informing of the changes once made, both the presentation and configuration of the website and this legal information.

Barbecue World is registered in the Mercantile Register of Malaga, volume 6306, folio 116, entry 1 with page MA-173014, with C.I.F. number B44799021 and address at C/ Alonso Cano, 15 – 29680 Estepona (Malaga).


Barbecue World has SSL TLS v.1.2 encryption that allows for the secure sending of personal data through standard contact forms.

When a user connects to this website to send an email to the owner, subscribe to a newsletter or make a purchase, they are providing a series of information for which Barbecue World is responsible. This information may include personal data, such as their IP address, full name, physical address, email address, phone number, location… and in no case are specially protected personal data being treated. By providing this information, the user is consenting to the collection, use, management, and storage of such information by Barbecue World in the ways described throughout this page.

In conclusion, the purpose of data processing will only be to provide users with the information or services they request, as well as to inform them of any news that may be of interest to them.


Below are the rights of the website users, which they can exercise by sending a written communication to C/Alonso Cano, 15 – 29680 Estepona (Málaga) or a a.cliente@barbecueworld.esincluding a photocopy of the user’s ID (or similar identification document) or from the person authorized as the user’s legal representative.


If a user considers that there is a problem with the way their data is being handled, they may direct their complaints to to resolve the situation as soon as possible or to the appropriate data protection authority, with the Spanish Data Protection Agency being the one in charge in Spain.

Furthermore, as proof of good faith, the Online Dispute Resolution Platform provided by the European Commission is made available to all users of the website.


Access and/or use of attributes the status of the user to the person who performs it, fully and unreservedly accepting this legal notice from that moment on in relation to certain services and contents of the website.

The user agrees to use the website, its services and content without violating current legislation, good faith and public order. The use of the website for unlawful or harmful purposes, or that in any way may cause harm or hinder the normal functioning of the website, is prohibited.

In addition, the user guarantees that the personal data provided through the forms are true and correspond to their actual situation, having the obligation to keep their data updated at all times, being solely responsible for the inaccuracy of the provided data and the damages that it may cause to Barbecue World.

Regarding the contents of this website, the following is prohibited:

When using, the user agrees not to engage in any conduct that could harm the image, interests and/or rights of Barbecue World or third parties, as well as not to damage, disable or overload the website to prevent its normal use.


Disaggregated data: disaggregated data will be retained indefinitely.

Data of subscribers to the email feed: from the time the user subscribes until they unsubscribe.

Data of newsletter subscribers: from the moment the user subscribes until they unsubscribe.

Data of users uploaded by Barbecue World to pages and profiles on social networks: from the moment the user gives their consent until they withdraw it.

The user accepts that all their personal data be fully transferred to Aplazame from the moment the user has started the contracting of the deferred payment service offered by the latter at the time of choosing the payment method. This acceptance extends to third parties that may need to access the files for the proper fulfilment of the contract.


Barbecue World takes reasonably appropriate security measures to detect the existence of viruses, brute force attacks, and code injections.

However, the user must be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are never 100% reliable and, therefore, Barbecue World cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) of the user or in the electronic documents and files contained therein.

Despite this, in order to guarantee the security and privacy of the personal data of its users, has an active security system that reports user activity and possible breaches in the security of the system.

In the event that a security breach is detected, Barbecue World undertakes to inform users within 72 hours.